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Here is the full panel listing for AnimeFest 2015. Time, location, and description of each panel are included. 

12:00 PM - Marshall College Room

How to Play Fighting Games

From basics to fundamentals we hope to enlighten newcomers alike to understand that they too can play fighting games.

12:00 PM - Eleanor Roosevelt College Room

Lolita 101

Are you interested in Lolita fashion? Want to learn more about it? In this presentation conducted by a real-life lolita, come learn about the basic guidelines of the fashion, where to buy clothes, how to coordinate outfits, and different substyles. Bring your questions for a Q&A session! No previous experience with J-fashion needed-- beginners are welcome!

1:00 PM - Marshall College Room

How to Write a Terrible Fanfic

I'll discuss the many ways to create a bad fanfic. I'll talk about cliches, archetypes, and all the other aspects of a horrible fanfic. Genres will vary. However, main examples of fanfiction will come from Naruto, Attack on Titan, and other mainstream anime. 

1:00 PM - Eleanor Roosevelt College Room

Figure Collecting 101

An introduction to the world figures and the various categories they fall in (scale,figma,nendoroid). The panel will cover how to start collecting, topics of where to buy them,avoiding bootlegs and an overview of figure maker companies. Plus the promotion of the community.

2:00 PM - Marshall College Room

Mikumentary with Tara Knight

Join UCSD Professor Tara Knight for a screening of her short films, called Mikumentary, about Hatsune Miku and the Vocaloid phenomenon. There will be a lengthy discussion after the screening for both those new to Vocaloid and for the super fan.

3:10 PM - Marshall College Room

Introduction to Cosplay

Learn how to plan a costume, and choose what materials to use.

3:10 PM - Eleanor Roosevelt College Room

Winning at Games

Learn how to be that one person in every gaming group that seems to win every game they play. An overview of the techniques behind winning at every game.

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